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Writer's pictureChantal Lowry

Vulvodynia is a very real issue for females across Northern Ireland & Ireland. See how we can help.

Updated: Oct 12, 2021

If you have vulvodynia you will know that it can impact your life not only physically but mentally and emotionally as well. At Chantal Lowry Physiotherapy, we help you take the important yet necessary steps to help you overcome this debilitating female health issue.

Here at Chantal Lowry Physiotherapy, we see a number of women each year suffering from Vulvodynia. In some cases, women can suffer for many years with it but are too embarrassed to reach out and seek help. Other women know what they have but don't realise that a Pelvic Physiotherapist can help them to overcome their vulvodynia & pain syndrome. Some sadly can even get misdiagnosed.

At Chantal Lowry Physiotherapy, we take Vulvodynia very seriously and will work with your condition to put a treatment plan in place to benefit you. You may have pain in the vulva, perineum or vagina or you could have pain in all three. No two cases are exactly the same. Our physical therapy treatment has many different dimensions to it. The bespoke treatment plan could range from desensitising the painful areas to touch, to learning how to exercise your pelvic muscles, to looking at dietary medications, to introducing a home treatment plan - or a combination of all of these.

"What I would say is that if you know you have Vulvodynia or suspect that you have Vulvodynia book an appointment with ourselves initially to have a chat with us about your case, symptoms and history."

Chantal Lowry (owner & founder of Chantal Lowry Physiotherapy).

It is always great to receive testimonials from patients whom we have treated with Vulvodynia as it helps others with vulvodynia to take the leap and book an appointment. Check out this testimonial which a client very kindly wrote for us in 2021.

"I suffered with Vulvodynia (with suspected Vaginismus & Interstitial Cystitis) for 10 years before finding out about Chantal Lowry Physiotherapy. I had been to numerous doctors in NI and none of them could tell me what I had until a Dermatologist was able to diagnose it in year 8. Up until that point, I didn't know that a Pelvic Physiotherapist was or did or I definitely would have booked an appointment. I decided in Year 10 that I had to overcome my fear and go and get the vulvodynia sorted with a Pelvic Physio: Enter Chantal Lowry Physiotherapy. I had been to 2 other Pelvic Physiotherapists in Northern Ireland prior to Chantal but lets just say that they weren't for me. Chantal's personality and manner from the outset was just so professional and she made me feel completely at ease and made me see that I had to go through with an internal examination if I ever wanted to rectify the problem. I have now been going to Chantal for approx. one year and all I can say is that she has been A-M-A-Z-I-N-G (no exaggeration) and I have progressed so much in the last year! If you have Vulvodynia like me and are scared of going to a Pelvic Physiotherapist, please don't be and my advice is to even book an initial appointment with Chantal and talk it over with her first. Vulvodyynia is a very real problem and Chantal will be able to advise to you what your best steps are after listening to your case history. She has taken me through a very bespoke treatment plan and it is working! She is a complete professional and listens as she genuinely loves helping people. Thanks Chantal for everything! If it hadn't have been for you - I would never have progressed as much as I did in the last year and am definitely on the road to being Vulvodynia free."


We will be looking at Vulvodynia & other Pain Syndrome conditions regularly on our blog, so do keep checking back for updates.

In the meantime, if you are looking to book an appointment, you can click here to book online with us and remember for all of our updates, make sure to follow us on Instagram, Facebook & LinkedIn.

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